Effortlessly connect your diverse data from 300+ SAAS apps
without any engineering


Lyft up your data game today

Eliminate the complexity of siloed data with simplicity

Take advantage of the versatility of no-code, low-code, and pro-code on a single ETL platform. Automatically extract data from different sources, perform complex multistage transformations and unearth highly needed data-driven answers.

Secured and hassle-free automation

Avoid re-inventing the wheel of building broken pipelines manually. Get access to a maintenance-free environment - save time and effort with automated data validation and pipeline inspection.

Adapt to the highly scalable modern data infrastructure

Use the compute of Apache Spark, the orchestration of Airflow, and the streaming of Kafka for data transformation. Get a consistent stream of integrated data for exploration, analysis, and decision-making. Get instant access to all of the data from different regions in a data hub and migrate from legacy databases to a modern data warehouse without having to manually code data pipelines.

Smart lego-based architecture for high performing data


Unlimited scalability with the power of Spark, Kafka and Snowflake.

Robust Orchestration

Schedule, orchestrate, and monitor data pipelines with Airflow.

High-Speed Performance

Onboard and democratize your data access quickly with a codeless data environment.

Prebuilt Transformation

Say goodbye to tedious manual tasks with prebuilt transformation templates.

Enterprise-level Security

Get end-to-end data encryption and recovery.


Scale up with zero training for unparalleled data performance.

Hear how Lyftrondata helped accelerate the
data journey of Intelicosmos

Data Loading

Lyftrondata helped me manage my data from various sources like AWS S3, Blob, and Databases into a Logical warehouse on Snowflake quickly and easily. I recommend Lyftrondata for its ultimate Logical Data Warehouses(LDW) technology, ensuring better speed, agility, and near real-time insights.

Ali Aghatabar

Director at Intelicosmos

Easily build end-to-end data pipelines for breakthrough results